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Compiled from the Writings of Mary Hatch Brimhall By Logan Brimhall




CHAPTER I Progenitors
CHAPTER III Memories of Childhood
CHAPTER IV Home Duties
CHAPTER V Church Activities
CHAPTER VI Education
CHAPTER VII Youth - Dates - Socials
CHAPTER VIII Courtship and Marriage
CHAPTER IX Houses - Home - Living
CHAPTER X Travels Far - Near

CHAPTER XI Our Children
CHAPTER XII Making a Living
CHAPTER XIII Growing Older




Chapter I Progenitors

Early in the morning of the nice, warm day, August 13, 1893, I was ushered into the home of Ezra Taft and Maria Standifird Hatch and welcomed by my somewhat puzzled sister, Alice.

My father Ezra Taft Hatch (1864), son of Lorenzo Hill (1826) and Alice Hanson (1836) Hatch, son of Hezekiah (1798 and Aldura Sumner (1803) Hatch, son of Jeremiah (1776) and Elizabeth Haight (1762) Hatch.

My mother, Maria Standifird (1871), is daughter of John Henry Standifird (1871) and Mary Argyle (1846).

Besides being well born and a child with the right number of fingers, toes, nostrils and two hearing aids, no teeth and a strong voice, I had good relatives who were active in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Then too, I fell heir to a lot of goodly neighbors who believed in marriage, family, education work and help a neighbor.

I, Mary Hatch, enjoyed the security of parents, home, church, and country. I was so happy with it all that on occasion I cried out loudly about it. Sometimes they thought I was protesting but really they were tears of joyful acceptance of my status. Really I have and do now enjoy life.

Being product of Plural Marriage, both paternal and maternal wise, I have not sought to explain, disavow, or complain; in fact I have been content to tell inquirers this short, short story. Tom Thumb, the midget, visited Brigham Young who showed him around Temple Square in Salt Lake City. At the end of the tour Tom said, "I am not able to understand polygamy." The answer came quickly, "Neither could I when I was your size."

My patriarchal blessing has been a guide to my effort with a hope of complete fulfillment. Contemplating results of following its guidelines has kept me happy and contented.

Blessing by John Hatch, Patriarch, upon the head of Mary Hatch, daughter of Ezra Taft and Maria Standifird Hatch, October 25, 1916. Born August 13, 1893 at Taylor, Arizona.

Dear and Beloved sister Mary, in the authority of the holy Melchizedek Priesthood and in the name of our Lord and Savoir Jesus Christ, I place my hands upon your head and seal upon you a patriarchal blessing agreeable to the desires of your heart. Lift up your head and rejoice for you are of the lineage of Joseph through the loins of Ephraim and you are entitled to all the blessings that were promised to the faithful daughters of Zion.

You chose your parentage in the Eternal world, to come forth in this gospel dispensation of the fullness of time. You understood and comprehended the trials, which you would have to undergo to receive all the grand and glorious blessings that are promised to the faithful.

You have many precious gifts, dear sister, and through cultivation you shall become a great instrument in the hands of our Father in Heaven. It is your privilege to become a great and mighty leader among those with whom you are associated.

You shall receive a husband according to the choice of your heart and shall become an honored Mother in the house of Israel. Your guardian angel has had strict charge concerning you. He has guided you thus far upon the slippery journey of life, and through his teaching you have been enabled to avoid many snares that have been laid by the adversary of all righteousness for your overthrow and in as much as you will importune our Father in Heaven, He will never forsake you but will whisper peace and comfort to your soul and will reveal unto you many secrets and treasures of wisdom.

Lift up your heart and rejoice for your life has been pure before our Father in Heaven. You have been obedient to your parents, therefore, your life shall be prolonged upon the earth. You will accomplish the great mission that was assigned unto you in the Eternal worlds. It is your great and honored privilege to become a Mother with sons and daughters who shall reverence your name and it shall be had in remembrance to the latest generation.

Through your humble prayers and petitions you will be able to avoid and escape the powers of the adversary of all righteousness. Your name is recorded in the Lamb's Book of Life never to be blotted out or given to another.

You came upon this Earth to become a Savior and your feet shall stand in holy places of our Father in Heaven. Free your mind of all worldly cares and listen to the teachings of the still small voice and there shall be great and glorious blessings pronounced upon your head. There is in store for you blessings more than tongue can tell and they shall all be yours through your faithfulness and diligence for you have not forfeited any right to the truths of the gospel of the Son of God.

You stand in your lot and place in your father's and mother's house. And through your kindness the cares and burdens shall be lifted from their shoulders for you shall honor and receive their teaching which they have bestowed upon you in your youth. And your brothers and sisters shall take your counsel and advice. Your name shall be honored and received by all with whom you are associated. And there shall be no good blessing withheld from you through your faithfulness.

Be humble and your mind shall expand and your lessons will be easy for you to comprehend. You shall become a mother of the noblest and choicest of God's spirits for they shall be entrusted unto your care. Remember they are choice and chosen to come forth in this the fullness of times. Seek to be guided by the spirit of revelation and the secrets of our Father in Heaven will be revealed unto you. For you shall stand as one of the most honorable mothers and daughters in the earth.

Fear not for your table will always be spread with the plenties of life and you shall be enabled to administer comfort and relief to the poor and the needy for you have that precious gift within your soul, even that of charity which is the pure love of Christ our Savior who is the Redeemer of all mankind.

Be obedient to your husband and your house and home shall reign supreme with love and affection.

These blessings together with all your former blessings are yours for you shall beget many friends even among those with whom you travel who seem strangers at the first meeting. Many shall probe to be your warmest and deepest friends.

Through visions, dreams and revelations you shall be enabled to avoid, to escape the deathly sickness and scourges that shall be prevalent in the land. The destroyer will pass you by as he did the children of Israel of old.

Ask and you shall receive, knock and it shall be opened unto you, seek and you shall find, and hidden treasures shall be revealed unto you even that of wisdom and knowledge.

I seal these blessings upon your head together with all your former blessings and seal you up to come forth in the morning of the resurrection clothed upon with glory, immortality and Eternal Life to reign as a queen and princess in the mansions that are prepared for you in the Celestial Kingdom of our Father in Heaven in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Scribe, Logan Brimhall


Chapter II My Home Town

My Grandfather, John Henry Standifird and James Pearce moved their families from Utah into the valley known as Taylor, Arizona in 1877.

The little brook that meandered through the valley, at times was a veritable river swollen into overflowing its banks by spring run off from melting snow in the mountains. Silt, thus deposited, enriched the soil and became first class farmland.

There were no cattle, horses, hogs, sheep and the like so the open country was brush with tall grass, bushes, berries and shrubs, wild game such as deer, elk, rabbits, grouse, turkey grazed freely at will for there were no fences or highways to obstruct their roaming. Ere long the song, "Don't Fence Me In," was not applicable.

The people came, they saw, they plowed, planted, fenced, made canals and constructed homes, corrals and pastures, churches and schools.

The creek was spanned with a steel bridge and Taylor East and West was a united town.

There was one trail running North and South from the White Mountains to the plateau to the North. This trail kept to the high places and was made and used for ages by the Navajos and Apaches. It soon became the freight road over which was transported by team and wagon, freight from Holbrook to Apache.

The first homes were made of sun dried adobes, logs and lumber from the near by mountains and forests. Later the art of brick making gave us a hard red brick made in local kilns. In such a house I spent my youth and grew to maturity. The home still stands among others.

Soon families had all of the domestic animals, gardens and fields of hay and grain to supplement their domestic fruit and berries.

This was a thrifty happy community, one that made its own social life of theatrical plays, dances, candy pulls, barn raisings, church activities and education.

Give a couple a chance and soon there is house and home, children, a God given philosophy of man's importance and there grows up a happy virtuous genial God fearing people.

Somehow Eve found Adam in the garden of Eden and they found a way out of a good situation into a better one. In Taylor girls found boys and they left single bliss for plural blessings. So from no houses to the campfire, to the log cabin, brick house and modern dwellings we now have three wards and contemplating more. Taylor was, is and shall be my hometown. One day there shall be a Taylor, Arizona, Stake of Zion.


Chapter III Memories of Childhood

Someone, parent, teacher, brother or sister had impressed me with the importance of being truthful. I suppose I slipped occasionally for I do remember that when full realization of having done falsely I would go outside the house and shout the lie and then the truth in the matter. This and my prayers should have been sufficient repentance, especially when I could not find the person to whom I had fibbed to tell them the exact truth.

Mother was making a wedding dress for Aunt Beshe who came to try it on for fit and looks. She asked me to go with her to another Aunt's after dark on an errand. The Aunt was not home but she had placed a plate of candy in the window to cool. We ate some of it and later Aunt Beshie spoke about us being candy thieves. This bothered me to no end till I took it to the Lord by yelling outside the house that we should not have taken the candy and sobbing myself to sleep after my personal prayers.

My father, his brothers and others bought a herd of goats that were grazed east of Taylor. At shearing time my cousin, Mary Jane Hatch, and I went out to help the cook. We noticed some of the fellows drank coffee. To date we had no idea as to what coffee tasted like. So we fixed up a cup like the fellows and sipped it. . .didn't like it but learned we had broken the Word of Wisdom. So I had another session of shouting and praying. I tasted coffee another time when the Doctor gave me castor oil in coffee prior to labor at birth time of one of my children. This one I could blame the Doctor for and neither yelled or prayed for forgiveness.

My cousin Mary Hatch and I were together often at her house or mine. I can't remember of anything we did that needed repenting of. I do remember we were always careful in changing clothes to never expose our bodies for we had been taught they were sacred.

My brothers, Vern and James Floyd and sister, Idell, were very ill and lay near death's door for many hours. It must have been near midnight of a cold spring night when their condition worsened and my sister, Alice, said she was going to get THOMAS Hancock, a neighbor, to help father administer to them, each in a separate room. This ordinance had been performed in their behalf several times. This time we had been humbled to the depths of our souls. Brother Hancock seemed to be always in tune with the right. Soon we noticed a change for the better and as the children gained strength they were out of bed in a day or so.

Epidemics of typhoid, diphtheria, whooping cough, measles, small pox, etc. hit all too often and people lost their lives because we knew not what to do. Diphtheria was especially a killer by choking children to death of a white growth in the throat that would not diminish by any medicine or means at hand. Like cancer of today, 1956, it took its toll where it hit.

Cancer set in on a small spot of my nose as a child. I was promised in administration that if I would put a small spot drop of consecrated olive oil on it daily and pray, it would vanish. After a long time and lots of applications and prayers the blessing was literally fulfilled. In my early youth I was loaned to relatives who found themselves in need of housemaid help. A usual day's work consisted of doing the "wash." #1- The clothes were soaked in cold water. #2- Transferred to warm water containing soap and lye. #3- Scrubbed piece by piece on the old scrub board (this was a hot, endless job). #4- Rinsed in cold, clear water. #5- Boiled in soap water. #6- Rinsed in cold water. #7- Rinsed in cold water with bluing added. #8- Carried to the clothesline outside be it raining, snowing, blowing or sunshine. #9- Hang piece by piece to the line and fastened with pins to hold them to the line. #10- Re-do if they fell off. #11- Take them down and into the house. #12- Fold each piece separately. #13- Iron the shirts after starching them. #14- Listen to the kids quarrel over this and that bit of apparel.

After and between this and that, fix dinner for the gang, change the baby or babies, wash the dishes, sweep the floors and sometimes take up the rugs (homemade) and replenish the old with new straw. Sometimes we changed the straw, shucks and or feathers in the "ticks." A container for the stuffings mentioned above on which people slept soundly if they lay still to avoid hearing the crackle, rattle and bang of the stuffing. By this time it was dark and the matron of the house would say, "I'll pay you soon." Or, "I'll talk to your parents about pay or here is your twenty cents an hour." Sometimes I took home as much as $5.00 per week. Well do I remember doing for some families (10 to 13) and besides doing the total assignments, I chopped the wood to keep outside and inside fires going while the big boys rested from their over rests. Yea, I was the hired girl and why have an idle servant. Besides that, she would go home with from 2 to 5 dollars in her pocket for only six days work.

I used to go freighting with father from Taylor to Holbrook, Holbrook to Taylor to Fort Apache. I helped grain the horses at noon, fix meals, hobble the horses at night and turn them out to graze and round them up in the morning. This was thrilling because father would show appreciation for every thing I tried to do. A big friendship grew up between us till if any of the kids wanted money, permission or whatever, they would call on "May," [sometimes spelled Mae] that's me, "Mary" to ask father for them. I had to be choosy and sometimes maddened my audience by refusing to requisition father who always said, "Well let's see, May, who is it wants this and for why?" "What do you think?" "Should it be granted, etc." Well, I loved my father for what he was and did and how he did it. I loved my mom in a different way but as much, for she taught me how to cook, sew, keep house, when and how to say no. She encouraged me to fill church assignments and father taught me how to teach children in Primary and Sunday School. Mother taught me how and when to pray. Both of them taught me how to work and when and why.

I used to wear long curls and braids in my hair that was thick and black. Alice had thin hair. Father often cut it with the idea in mind that this would thicken it. One day I got the idea my hair must be cut. Father said, "No". I cried, pleaded and annoyed him as only I could. Finally in a weak, angry moment he reached out, grabbed a long braid and snipped it off and handed it to me and said, "Take it to your Ma." To this day Mom cries when she thinks about her hours of work to have a longhaired girl. That has been one of father's oft-repented acts but never forgiven sin.

Somehow I thought I had no talent for music. Alice was treated to piano or organ lessons, twelve per dollar, from Constance Decker, a local schoolteacher. Alice developed a fine habit of practicing after each meal for an hour or so. That left me to wash the dishes. Alice became ward organist and I worried because I didn't help in the music department. My contribution was in teaching. My teacher-trainer was Aunt Ann Shumway with whom I labored in Primary, Sunday School, and then one day I was entrusted with the presidency of the Young Women's Organization.

My school days were the usual happy hours spent with a mixed group of boys and girls and teacher. I remember struggling with English, History and Geography. Arithmetic came on quite easily, however, I had some trouble with Algebra, Geometry, Physics and Chemistry.

School parties and outings were red-letter days. I suppose most every boy and girl sees someone or several of the opposite sex who for some reason holds some attraction. In my day it was usual for a girl to give more attention to every other boy than the one who came to mind most often. So my chief boy friends were often treated a bit rudely for fear someone would discover my true feeling or interest and shout it out to my humiliation. It didn't hurt to be teased about some fellow that was a mere acquaintance but to be found out boy wise literally really cut deep into being embarrassed. Why? It changes after a few years and works in the opposite direction.

I wasted one year 1910-11 by deciding to attend 9th grade in Taylor rather than going to S.S.A. in Snowflake. Disease epidemics kept Taylor schools closed most of the winter months.

Snowflake, three miles north of Taylor, was negotiated on foot, horseback, horse and buggy or just plain run. I did all of them plus staying at Aunt Lula's during some weeks of the winter.

The young folk of Taylor usually attended Sunday School, 10:00 a.m., Sacrament meeting at 2:00 p.m. and some activity Sunday evening. We went in groups by horse and buggy or walked.


CHAPTER IV Home Duties

My sister, Alice, was child number one and I, Mary, eighteen months younger am number two of the six girls and six boys family of Ezra and Maria Hatch.

Mother liked to get about so she went freighting with Father occasionally and left Alice in charge of the family at home. Just how the arrangement came about is a blank to me but we fell to with a will and did our parts in comparative peace. We planned and prepared the meals together but long before I finished eating, Alice was at the piano and that left me with the dish washing. It has been my inheritance to the present time, 1955. At this point in time my husband has assumed that chore almost entirely along with the cooking. There were no pot scratchers known to me so I kept my finger nails well polished and manicured by using them for that purpose. If the gooey stuck too tight to pots and pans they were put to soak for 4 to 12 hours.

I was chief boss of the children by Alice's appointment and assumed the job with necessary vigor. Diapers, noses and washings was under my supervision. If the job was a serious one in the diaper department Alice explained she had to be at the piano to make ready for Sunday School singing and that left me the perfumeless job of cleaning and purifying the hapless urchin.

I made, washed and ironed the children's clothes. Told them stories, wiped away their tears and comforted them like an old hen. Somehow it pleases me to think my sisters and brothers liked me a little. May the Lord forgive me for writing this and believing it just a tiny bit.

My name is Mary and I like it. But one of my Aunts named her baby a few months younger than I, Mary Jane and my folks dubbed me May. Please get the idea my name is Mary and my cousin's is Mary Jane!

My Mother was and is a good mother but all good mothers appreciate willing motherly help. She told me so and I have found it most true. A good motto is, never ask a child to do that which you are not willing to try.

It was lots of fun to dress up my little sisters and take them for a walk to the neighbors.

Now please don't think Alice was not a dutiful and willing sister just because her chief job was piano to help save souls in the church music way and mine was to fix the children up so they could get there to help in the saving process.

Another home duty was to lead in family prayer. Father said to me one time, "May, the Lord can't help but answer your prayers. You tell him your problem and ask Him to show how to get the job done." I've always thought the Lord was a safe partner.

Another duty of child number two was, if the wood box was empty and there was none at the out door woodpile short enough to fit the box, I was to fix it so it would fit. My husband says I can chop all around him. Chips are tiny bits the ax makes if one chops long enough. Well, whoever heard of successful fire starting without chips? I gathered in enough chips to be equal to Solomon Hill. This chip business paid dividends later for when Logan came courting and the room started to chill I'd throw more chips into the stove instead of moving closer to the attraction.

Most of my days were: get up, dress, make ready for the day, tell the Lord what I wanted to do, do it, thank Heavenly Father for His help and tell Him what I did, go to bed, sleep and some times dream. Eat three meals a day and sometimes more, play with my dolls (Mother's babies). Finally, by hard work I got thirteen of my own and my housework and sewing and washing and teaching was upped percentage wise by considerable percentage.


CHAPTER V Church Activities

During the impressionable years 0 to 8 I was taught the fundamental principles and ordinances of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I attended church meetings inclusive of Sunday School, Primary, Sacrament Meeting. Some of the tenants are: We believe in God the Eternal Father and in His son Jesus Christ and in the Holy Ghost. We believe that through the atonement of Jesus Christ all mankind may be saved by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thus, the time of accountability (8 years) arrived and I was baptized August 13, 1901 by my Father, Ezra Taft Hatch in the stream known as Silver Creek that wends its way through our Taylor town. In the Sacrament Meeting August 19, 1901, I was confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I had now had a believing heart in the things taught in my home and church and had accepted two of the saving ordinances and made ready to go forward into the full and unfolding program that leads to Life Eternal. This has been a great day or days in my life.

Teaching in the auxiliary organizations of the church has been the most appreciated experience. My first effort was assistant Sunday School teacher with my Aunt Ann Shumway. She was an inspirational teacher and led all of us to new ideas, commitments, and goals. Then came similar opportunities in Primary. During the winter season of 1914-15 I was President of the Young Women's' Mutual Improvement Association.

It was my privilege to be teacher of Relief Society lessons when all phases of the program were directed by one teacher.

I served as President of the Primary in the Taylor Ward 1926-28. Counselor to the Relief Society President 1942-44. President of YWMIA, 1940-41 and Snowflake Stake Indian Worker.

In Mesa 6th Ward I was Primary Teacher, 1950-51, Mia Maid Teacher, Special Interest Coordinator, 1951-52 and Social Science Relief Society Teacher.

I was set apart as a guide in the Arizona Temple gardens, 31, January 1954 by the Arizona Temple Committee. Logan Brimhall was mouth for the group. And was set apart as Assistant Librarian at the Arizona Temple Genealogical Library, January 5, 1954.

In these last two positions I was privileged to meet people from around the world and helped make my husband's Patriarchal Blessing come true for in it he was promised he should teach the Gospel to the Nations of the Earth.

I had in some of my groups touring the gardens, a King and Queen, four Apostles of our time and many from all areas of the Earth.

I was privileged to go with Library groups to hold Genealogy Schools in fifteen Stakes in Arizona and New Mexico.

Surely my cup has been well filled as Child, Youth, Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Teacher, Guide, Librarian and Member of God's Church and Kingdom.



CHAPTER VI Education

My scholastic education began in the fall of 1899 in the octagonal red brick Relief Society building that stood West of Hatch Store in Taylor and in the Decker Hall later known as Arnold Pickle Center just South of the Relief Society Building.

The Ward Log Meeting House that housed the schools, previously had burned in the early fall of 1898. It stood near the present church house at this time, 1977.

Among the teachers I remember were Constance Decker, W. G. Shumway, Joseph W. Smith, Andrew Lee from Tennessee, Charles Hansen, T. Riley Greer.

It was W. G. Shumway's 5th grade class where Logan says he found me because of my curls and long braids. Every now and then he waxes eloquent about our 5th grade relationships, but guess I was too young to care or couldn't see him because of other less freckled fellas.

At any rate, Logan was speaker at W. G. Shumway's funeral and he told this story. "W. G. Shumway helped me find my wife on this wise." Log was seated behind me and kept bothering my curls with his pencil. I complained to teacher who kept him at recess time that day. "Logan, you like May very much don't you?" "How the devil did he know," thought Logan, but confessed, "Yes." Then said he, "Well Logan, show her how much you like her by stopping your teasing and be a gentleman."

Our teacher always had two grades. At recitation time pupils left their seats and came up front to the recitation bench. Then we reported all we knew about the subject matter and returned to our desks and the next group went up to show how dumb they could be.

Recess in mid-morning and mid-afternoon was the thriller time for all the kids, who played games of their own concoction from fertile minds. Stink Base, Steal Sticks, Drop the Handkerchief, Two and Three Ol' Cat, Pomp Pomp Pull Away and those enchanting marble games of Fudge Boston, Picksies and Three Hole Perg. Later, Baseball and Basketball, Racing, Boxing and Rock Fights.

The big stove in the center of the house burned the kids close by and froze those far away.

Drinking water came from the irrigation ditch that ran through some cattle corrals. It was in a bucket and everyone used the same dipper that hung on the wall by a string.

If you suffered an urge to attend the Little Brown House you held up one finger and if less than three seats were empty the teacher nodded approval and you were on your own for four minutes. The boys went South East and the girls, North East to the two holers to rest and contemplate. Yes, had to put that in because it was one of the chief (relief) attractions of the campus.

After eight years of this I was graduated and then stayed on for ninth grade to be taught by T. R. Creer, but several epidemics broke out and we got zero plus zero good out of it.

Fall of 1911 we went to the S.S.A. in Snowflake where we should have gone the year before with Logan and Dicie Brimhall and Dora Palmer. Thus, we were a year behind.

I attended Snowflake Stake Academy (SSA) until Christmas time, 1913. I did not return to school in January 1914 because Logan and I planned to marry in June 1914 and I needed preparation time for the event. In April came a letter from Box B in Salt Lake City calling Logan on a Mission to the North Western States. He accepted with my approval and this changed our plans.

During the summer of 1915 I attended the Flagstaff Normal School and the credits earned here added to what I got at SSA during winter of 1915-16 made it possible to be graduated in May 1916.

After my family were all in school I joined Snowflake High School teaching staff as Librarian and registered for Seminary work and was graduated from the four-year course with my daughter Beverly Jean.

These were happy years of association with the young people and sedate faculty members.

Study Hall was the most challenging period of the day trying to serve at the book and supply counter and keep some 75 students in a state of study calm.

Across the years, among the things I learned, were to walk, talk, think, read, cipher, be a friend, work, play, be of good cheer, tell the truth, earn my keep, honor parents and keep myself morally straight. Come to think of it each one is no small achievement. Our five senses well used can make for happiness.

My thirteen children were a source of education to me.


CHAPTER VII Youth - Dates - Socials

It was my privilege to have fine young people as friends and classmates. In most of our dating we went in groups and our extended journeys were chaperoned by adults.

The schools had ditch day in the spring. The entire school, chaperoned by teachers, went hiking up Silver Creek, out to the Three Mile Knoll east of town, out to Indian Ruins on the Four Mile Wash west of town, to the Sinks, on to Forest Dell south of Show Low.

These safaris resulted in surplus energy burning, better acquaintance, new discoveries and broader relationships with teachers and students.

In the spring of 1913 it was S.S.A.'s turn to migrate to St. Johns for the field and track contest. Once again it was my privilege to be escorted by "Log." There were several couples in a white top carriage, chaperoned by an S.S.A. teacher. It was a long hard day's travel some fifty miles east to St. Johns. We arrived late Thursday evening, tired, spent and well blown. Friday all day were contests in racing, high and broad jump, pole vault, hammer and disc throw, relay race, etc. As I remember our boys did well in field events and St. Johns took most of the races. Allie Manier of St. Johns was the fleetest youth of the two schools and scooped up first place in the 100 yard dash, 220 and finished off the one mile relay in good time. S.S.A. boys they said had been doing 100 yards in 10 seconds. Well, St. Johns took first and second in the 100 yards events. Then came the mile run and our man Ernest Shumway came in second. The quarter mile or 440 yard dash came up and St. Johns figured for three places in it. D. A. Butler was their chief sprinter for this event. "On your mark, get set, bang," and Butler fell in behind Log who had the inside lane. Quickly he stepped out in the lead and Log closed in and let him take the wind for the first 300 yards. When the runners left the last turn in the track and came to the straight way, Log stepped out in lead and gave us our only first place in the races. There was some contradicting the timekeeper's announcement and talk about a re-running of the race. Professor Peterson (SSA) said, "No." It was a fair race that we had won and the win we would keep.

"Log" has long since come to be "Logan" in my language and he told me one time that he had never discussed the race with D. A. Butler even though they taught school side by side for 25 years in Snowflake High.

That night there was a big dance and Log accused me of slighting him. So I wore his First Place Ribbon as compensatory adjustment.

Saturday we returned to our hometowns prouder because we had won the contest by some few points.

I enjoyed the whole show, especially the dance, for I saw new boys, got some fresh ideas and clung to more or less established date procedures.

Now if you want to know more read Chapter 13 of Ezra Taft and Maria Hatch Family Story.

My youth companions have come to be men and women of character, family and homebuilders.

Perhaps the most interesting safari we took was a fishing trip into the White Mountains during the rain season, July 1912.

The fellows induced Bishop N. A. Brimhall to be chaperone. There was a covered wagon drawn by two large horses. The wagon was loaded with camp gear, tents, bedding, food and whatever was needed. There were eight saddle horses and plenty of riders.

Early Monday morning to Saturday evening is time to learn a lot about people, things and nature.

The party members were, Bishop Brimhall and sons Joe, George, and Logan, George Hatch, Dora Palmer, Earnest Shumway, Dicie Brimhall, Willie Willis, Mary Jane Hatch and Mary Hatch.

A large square tent housed the girls and smaller ones for the boys.

We camped somewhere in the neighborhood of Mt. Ord.

Early morning and evening were best fishing hours.

We had dutch ovens of mountain trout, biscuits, log cabin syrup, and varieties of whatever made hungry kids eat a lot.

In the evening were re-told stories, singing, scripture reading and a preachment or so by the Bishop.

This day, Thursday, we planned and carried out a trip to the top of Mt. Ord. All of us on horses and provided with slickers, a rain repelling overcoat. Up! Up! Through Pine, Spruce and Fir till we got above timberline. No trees, just big rocks, snow, thin air and clouds everywhere.

At the top nearly 13,000 feet up we enjoyed viewing three worlds. The up above was the way out there-blue yonder. Then the clouds drifted in and we had a cold, fleecy, snowflaked, wind-swept area from which we could not see much except more of it.

The clouds parted, the sun shone and way out there down under the clouds could be seen miles of mountains, forests and rivulets. The telescope brought distant areas closer. We even fancied we could see good old distant Taylor town.

It was something like the three glories the Bishop talked about that night after hot stew, biscuits, and jam.

As I remember I was hard put to choose which of them was most enticing. Seems I was never the same person after this soul stretching day. I saw things, people and events in an expanded way that I have not quite caught up with. Everything seemed to take on new proportions of importance. People and their relationships were more important in the scheme of things.

Logan and I dated occasionally during 1912-13-14 till he grew bold enough to ask me to be his wife. We planned to marry in June of 1914. In April came a mission call that postponed marriage plans for at least two years.

Once again I seemed not to fit into any pattern that kept me to a single procedure. Soon my school chums were up and gone, married, off to school, etc.

Elsewhere in my story I have listed my activities in school, etc. OH! Was I ever glad when Elder Brimhall returned to Taylor, September 12, 1916 and that evening called on me at my parental home!


CHAPTER VIII Courtship and Marriage

To come out of the dating and partying stage into courtship and marriage was a long, trying but interesting part of my life. We had a long get acquainted child and youth association. It seems the whole thing constituted our courtship days.

At any rate it seemed to me that we belonged to each other and there was no particular reason for hurrying into matrimony. According to our Patriarchal Blessings there were things to be done that must needs be done before beginning our own family ties. There were people wanting to hear elder Brimhall and accept the message he carried to them. There were relatives who needed my help and school problems not yet solved by me.

Bishop Brimhall said in one of our campfire sermons, "Marriage is not a status reached, rather it is a journey. Two people from different families join their resources in an endless search for continued happiness. They give and take, adjust and find companionship, compromise and courtship an endless source of delight and intriguing foreverness."

Neither of us were swept off our feet in a mad love fest. We grew into it naturally, peacefully, modestly and find our mutual love a natural essential day to day need, the satisfaction of which keeps us constantly happy. It seems we have always been and will be.

That September night, 1916 when Logan said, "Are you ready for the next step Mary?" I could only let my heart speak, "I am ready."

What would you do? A girl who had earned but little at 25 cents an hour, a small savings account, a released missionary with $1.00 in his pocket, a suit of clothes or so, a new hat (not a derby) and a few pairs of sox to make comfortable his one pair of shoes. What would you do? She 23, he 24 and the Temple 900 miles away! Repeat, what would you do? We took a bit of time to think and plan. Marriage in the temple only. Time now. How? His friend had some money. Said he, "Take it and go." "Come to BYU and go to school." We did and took three years to pay it back.

On this safari there were three of us…our chaperone, the Lord, Logan and Mary. We were married in the Salt Lake Temple, November 1, 1916 by Alvin Smith. We entered our apartment as a new kingdom, free of disease and as chaste as the day we were born.


CHAPTER IX Houses - Home - Living

Across the years we built many houses. Into each we took our home. Edgar A. Guest said, "It takes a lot of living in a house to make it home."

We rented a house from Judge Booth in Provo and moved our home in. The house was less than much but our home was more than plenty.

There were some 20 or more of our friends attending BYU and they came often to our home. We excused not our house but bade them welcome in our home. They seemed to like it for they came often and stayed long. In fact, when Logan would say to the boys, "Here's your hat, what's your hurry," they would say, "Golly, don't you think we get the hint?"

This was a delightful six months that much more than compensated for my long wait and some worries. "All things come to those who strive and wait and pray."

I shall forever be grateful to my husband who said on our wedding night, "Shall this new kingdom kneel in prayer of supplication and thanksgiving and shall I lead this time, Sweetheart?"

Logan had made up his mind to be a teacher. He said that in early youth there were two things he did not want to be, a teacher and a sheepherder. Later he is both…at least he is a fair teacher and he who teaches leads "My Sheep."

Children came to our home and we tried to make them welcome. When they got older they brought their playmates into the yard, parlor, kitchen and what had we. We felt secure with the yard or table filled with children, for we knew where ours were and what they were doing. We liked to see our children play, work and loaf as if it had to be done now.

This is somewhat our idea of houses…home…living. Our house was neat, clean, handy and always looked like it was being lived in. HOME…the most humble, loveliest and sweetest of all of God's sanctioned creations-living in love forever.

The first house we built was and is on main street of Taylor, running East to West. Then we remodeled the Brimhall Homestead and later built a malipi rock home on Brimhall Farm in Taylor. Then we built a lesser house in the Valley of the Moon, west of main Taylor. In Mesa we built a large house on North Hobson. Another on North Pioneer and one at Olive and East Second Avenue. One in Gilbert on Well Road and helped with the F.D. Stapley complex on Rawhide Avenue in Gilbert. Into each of these we moved our furniture, children and home.

We had big fun.


CHAPTER X Travels Far - Near

Having inherited from my parents a love of nature and a desire to go seeing for myself and mine, my husband never had to repeat when he said, "Get the children and grub box ready for a safari." I seldom asked where, for I learned it would be some vantage point far or near. All I really needed to know was how long a day or a fortnight. It was July 1926. This time we took a neighbor mother and her brood. We packed the Ford stake rack truck with the needs of a long, hot, day and headed North out of Taylor for the Petrified Forest East of Holbrook, some dozen or more miles. (It has since been made a National Park.)

Once upon a long time ago there stood a great forest of wooden trees somewhere. Somehow these trees were laid low in a liquid that turned the tree fiber into stone and then receded and left them sprawled across the face of the land. For the most part they lay stretched full length as far as 150 feet long, once upon a time that tall. (Maybe some such process turned Lot's wife to a pillar of salt because of disobedience.) What happened to the trees? I don't know. Who does? But there they were, great trees, one, two, three feet in diameter, lying full length with roots, knots, and branches out in the open, now colored rock of many hues and tints and texture. If you haven't' seen it, you haven't'seen it!

Having been filled to the brim with color, rock forest, run and see, thirst and ice water, wonder, excitement and satisfaction, we headed North to see the Painted Desert.

As we topped a low-lying ridge, there she lay, dazzling in the noonday sun. Every kid yelled with delight, "Do you see what I see, or do I see it?" The sun and clouds, wind currents and shifting mirages, bedeviled the group to the point of sheer weirdness of what was out there.

It seemed as if the Gods, side by side, had strutted across the world, giant paint brushes in their hands, thrust into great caldrons of paint of many hues and swished them side by side across the face of the land and then stood aside to watch your eyes and souls stretch and expand to catch the vision and be astounded by the magnitude and variety they had laid out before you mile after mile. It is so much harmony that it reminds one of marriage which is not a status quo reached, but a continuous journey of devotion, peace and love and ever on and up! Up! Up! Painted Desert, a most captivating, alluring, enthralling color riot spectacle. Perhaps best said in my usual English, "Purty good."

Logan said, "All aboard for Meteor Crater out West beyond Winslow, Arizona." One of the company said, "What, another world wonder, that makes three in one day. I'm afraid I'll bust."

We have long since known our Earth is made up of material found in space and fragments that fall off other planets.

Well, once upon a time a big hunk of something harder than Earth swished through space and landed out there. It was so heavy it went deep down into the earth and as it went down it pushed earth up around its sides and made a crater. An ice cream cone turned upside down. Fragments of the material broke off and lay scattered about the outer cone. A piece of that the size of a little girl is so heavy a man can't lift it. No wonder a man doesn't want a fat wife.

As the sun spent its last rays of living light on the crater rim and shadows came into the crater, my husband announced, "Now for the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River, another of Arizona's wonders of the world." There were cheers and groans and he continued, "Next week end."

That was one group of soul stretched children whose respect and admiration for each other, Dad and Mom, and the great Creator, that went into slumberland contented with the days work and wonder. Home at 11:00 p.m.

June 1931, we journeyed to the Grand Canyon. It was nighttime and dark when we made camp near the edge of Grand in the vicinity of Bright Angel Trail. No one left the bright fireside for fear of falling into dark abyss and being forgotten.

Next morning as the sun climbed higher and higher it revealed more and more the famous world wonder. As the day wore on storm clouds and lightening showed varied moods of the great mile deep gulch and the thunder rolled and roared as if angry creatures had been disturbed in their routine duties.

One of our party, a sizeable dame, sat flat near the edge and kept sliding faithfully towards the abyss and finally expressed her sentiment as to the scene out there and far down, said as she held her extended sides, "That is the most stomachaching thing I have ever seen." Then she vomited.

Well, I have no adjectives or adverbs that will do justice to the magnificent thing, so like the cowboy who added his verbiage after the gigantic effort of the Eastern lady's expletives of, "Magnificent, stupendous, glorious, enchanting, etc, etc." the cowboy said, "Lady just say it so we can all understand. Say something like, "Purty d___ good."

Our party was moved to say, "God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform."

One guy said, "Some gap."

We say we shall never be the same again.

From our own little Daggs Reservoir that stores water from natures lovely natural spring, Silver Creek Spring, to larger irrigation systems such as Roosevelt Lake, Hoover Dam, Coolidge Dam, etc., we have learned some lessons in conservation, how electricity is generated, water applied to farms, vineyards and orchards to meet the needs of mankind and to us has come a deeper appreciation of all of God's and man's creations.

We took the children over the border into Mexico at Nogales and let them change their dollars for Pesos at a ratio of 1 to 5. The American dollar was five Mexican Pesos, which meant an American lad could buy five times as much for his days work pay as could the Mexican. Thus, they developed a better empathy situation. One of the boys felt so moved over the situation he had his shoes shined six times by the same bootblack, at as many different locations. The fun of the thing was that he knew it and they knew it. This made them understanding friends. We began to fear lest we should need five trucks instead of one to get all the plunder home.

We washed our feet in Great Salt Lake, Yosemite Falls, Lake Tahoe, the snow of Toga Pass and up as far as possible in the Pacific Ocean, dived and swam in Feather River, Sacramento River, Trinity River and crossed big rivers in Arizona without getting wet (No water).

We all helped Dad drive in several of the dozen or more one-way lanes in Los Angeles traffic.

We did a couple of days in the Giant Redwood Forests of California where the kids drove the car through butts of big trees, used "hiz" and "herz" restrooms made in opposite ends of logs ten feet in diameter. We ate lunch in a log cafeteria and slept comfortably in rooms at the end of the same log.

To write all the things you think, say and do under these pressure times is too much and would be too large a book.

Way up high in the California mountains, East of Eureka somewhere, night caught us on one fork of Trinity River. Steep grade, little room and frightening. Made up our bedrolls and slept or worried through a dark anxious night. Next morning after everything was loaded and Dad started the car and proved he could handle it, I climbed in last of all with things in my hands and Dad said, "What you doing with those two pint cans of milk in your hands." My response was, "I had a bad dream during the night and got up to put rocks under the front wheels to keep us from going into "Infinity River." I couldn't find rocks so I put these two cans of milk in front of the wheels else all of you would have been drowned in that river way down there five miles below." No doubt this will be one of Mary's favorite tricks as told by the family.

We attended conferences in Salt Lake City, did sessions in many of the Temples, attended funeral services, marriage parties, socials and dances in a lot of places but liked Taylor best.

Summer of 1955 we planned with the New Mexico Brimhalls (descendants of Logan's Father's brothers, Alma and Clayborn Brimhall) a reunion in Savoia Valley, the place where their mother died of Smallpox during the winter of 1877-78 and placed a headstone at her grave. Norman, Logan's Father, was a lad of 14 years when he dug his Mother's grave out there in a lonely land and buried her remains and then cared for three younger brothers and one sister.

The reunion was a big event in the lives of all present, some 175 of us. We all learned to like our family name better. BRIMHALL.

Now, 1970, most of our journeys are from Salt River Valley to our ranch in the forest near Pinedale.


CHAPTER XI Our Children

Mary Hatch Brimhall kept several records, some small, medium and larger. In the middle sized one that was always in her purse and came to be known as the Brown Spiral Record, is found a choice lot of tidbits that indicate the type of Woman, Mother, Wife and Friend she was and is.

Family was her first and foremost interest and concern. On the very first page she has recorded and we copy it exactly:

Logan Brimhall   12 Oct 1892 Mesa
Mary Hatch   13 Aug 1893 Taylor
Kirk "L" Brimhall   25 Jan 1918 Vernal, Utah
Vaughn Lorenzo Brimhall   3 Jan 1920 Naples, Utah
Norma   20 Dec 1921 Provo, Utah
Vern Hatch )   17 Oct 1923 Storrs, Utah
Verl Willis )    
Hulda Lou   29 July 1925 Taylor
Norman Merrill   12 July 1927 Taylor
Carolyn   23 May 1929 Taylor
Beverly Jean   18 May 1931 Taylor
Tezza Maria   1 May 1933 Taylor
Logan Burdal   20 Mar 1935 Taylor
Gale "J" )   14 Aug 1937
Grant "R" )    
Kirk Brimhall
Jayne Brinkerhoff
  md 3 Jan 1940
Vaughn Lorenzo Brimhall
Hester Elizabeth Damron
  md 31 Dec 1919 [25 Nov 1939- the first date is Hester's birthdate]
Jack Tidwell
Norma Brimhall
  md 22 June 1945
Vern H. Brimhall
Ella May Savage
Donna Delaney
  md 25 July 1945
Verl Willis Brimhall
Ruby May Bryant
  md 15 Jan 1928 [12 Dec 1945]
Hulda Lou Brimhall   Died Dec. 25, 1943 Pernicious Anemia
Norman Merrill
Bonnie Hullenger
  md 29 June 1950
Gail Goodman
  md 18 Mar 1950
Floyd D. Stapley
  md 20 Dec 1949 [02 Dec 1949]
Duane Judd
  md 22 May 1952
Logan Burdal Brimhall
Nadine Wilkins
  md 21 Sept. 1956
Gale "J" Brimhall
  md Jan 2 1960
Grant "R" Brimhall
Avis Ardian
  md 1962 [6 Sep 1962]


In Unity There Is Strength

Purpose of Family Organization

1. Maintain Unity.
2. Stimulate and honor spirit of the Father.
3. To compile Family Records.
4. To see that Ordinance work is done.


1. Find your own talents… improve.
2. Be big…tall.
3. Be honest.
4. Live enthusiastically.
5. Don't let your possessions posses you.
6. Don't worry about your problems, solve them.
7. Look up to people when you can…down to no one.
8. Don't cling to the past. 9. Assume your share of responsibility.
10. Pray consistently


What has your church given to America that it did not have?

1. Welfare plan that works.
2. Great Pioneer story.
3. Religious Literature.
4. A wonderful concept of Deity.
5. The Priesthood.
6. Principle of Free Agency.

If you could see your ancestors
All standing in a row
Would you be proud of them or not?
Or don't you really know?

If you could meet your ancestors
All standing in a row
Would they be proud of you?
Or don't you really know?

Fear is a habit.
Fear destroys people's happiness.
Courage, hope and love
Keep one wholesome.

I'll give these books for Christmas………..1955

Chins Up
Book of Remembrance
Not by Bread Alone
As a Man Thinketh
Articles of Faith

I would like a package…hard tack or 14 mix drops.

The following was found on Logan's pillow one evening in 1970:

Logan is a good husband. Stubborn on occasion but never mean, nasty or abusive. He has carried his part of the load to my satisfaction.

These last years he has cared for me, cooked, washed and taken me places. Sometimes I wonder how he stands or tolerates me. But he says he has loved me ever since he found me in the fifth grade and its too late to quit now. Thank you. I'm most willing to let him carry on.

Any Dad who can put britches and panties on 13 children, keep their appetites satisfied and get them through school must have a goodly sort of wife that loves him more than less.

May, Mary, Ma, Grandma

Each child, 13 in all, speaks for him/herself. What he/she is the parents have helped to make. If the integrity of each is 100%, well and good, if it is less, here and now is the time to improve.

Everyone that marries, marries not one person but in a sense a whole family.

Wise is he/she who takes place among friends and if he/she find areas where improvement is possible, be a Solomon, hold your tongue and let your kindly deeds, smile and pleasantness convey your message.

To complain or criticize is the path to ---!

To be sure to not be trampled on or unwisely used just be RIGHT and FIRM and KIND.
You'll get on.


CHAPTER XII Making a Living

Some folk have been bothered about making a living. My Patriarchal Blessing states that my table would always be spread with plenty. I have taken this literally and have never been worried, harassed or bothered with insecurity in my parental or my own home. I learned how to do, re-do and do without and have been free of worry or failure in the financial security area and my husband being of like mind we have been unmolested by bill collectors and financial agencies.

We have had debts at times but there was a way or ways provided for meeting our accounts on time and in season.

During college going days we had some close figuring to do but managed to make earnings keep us housed, fed and doctored and in school.

Once we settled down to living in our own house, we have created some dozen, lived in them and sold them to someone who like it better than we did.

Logan said there were two things he did not want to be in his youth, a teacher and a sheepherder. Then said he, "I did them both for I prepared for teaching and a teacher becomes a shepherd. Leader of the minds of youth into areas of thought and conduct that pay positive dividends."

Our job on the farm of Uncle Clayborn Brimhall near Vernal, Utah paid $50 cash, a place to live and plenty to eat.

I cooked for the farm hands on occasion such as threshing and haying. Besides my keep and stay I received $20 in cash.

We went there in preference to the military service in the Spring of 1917 when we joined in the World War One melee.

The fall of 1917 Logan got a job as teacher of 6th grade in the Vernal Central School System. This he enjoyed very much and the salary of $75 per month satisfied our needs and gave a portion to tithing and paying our loan at Northern Arizona bank of Snowflake.

Next we signed for teaching in Taylor, Arizona, 1918-1919, at $200 per month. Epidemics of usual diseases of Measles, Mumps, Typhoid, etc. kept the school closed much of the time. Logan resigned and we moved to a cotton and grain farm in Mesa, Arizona.

The August heat drove us out, 110 to 118 degrees with no air-conditioned housing, no refrigerator, etc. No one had them for there were none.

We moved back to Vernal in the fall of 1919, bought a 360-acre farm on credit and hopes. Logan taught in the Davis School System for two years and sold and fed his hay to cattlemen in the stack and got a job of feeding the cattle after school hours.

It was during this winter of 1919-20 that Logan was hit in the left eye with a piece of steel that destroyed its use. Some twenty years later he had it removed because cancer threatened. So most of his life's work, study and teaching has been done with one eye. He says its sure a goodly arrangement, one mouth, two nostrils, two eyes, two ears, one wife and a long dozen of children.

Next we returned to the BYU for more graduation credit. We paid our way on proceeds of sale of alfalfa seed.

Spring of 1922 we moved to Storrs, Utah to work in or around the coal mines. The Knight family called for help to the "Y" students to break a Union strike. It worked, though several men were killed.

Logan got a teaching job in the Storrs schools and in the Spring of 1924 we went back to Provo for graduation time.

With his college credit Logan got an Arizona teaching certificate and began teaching in the newly organized Snowflake Union High School.

Here we stayed for 25 years and engaged in house building, farming and stock raising to supplement the $2,000 yearly school job.

During this time we sold our gravity flow water irrigated farm and moved out into Valley of the Moon just West of Taylor, drilled a well, plowed and planted. Friends thought we had gone mad but no doubt this was the move that sent Taylor sprawling East and West into three ward growth. One day there will be a Taylor, Arizona Stake of Zion.

In Mesa Logan taught for two years and then came appointments as head of the Bureau of Information and Genealogical Library which ate up another twenty years of employment.

We have had a good, substantial, free of worry, financial life…had plenty and to spare. We usually had one or more extra families to help other than our very own and have found joy in sharing.

In all that Logan did, I was his helper, partner and friend. In the house we conserved and made do. Canned preserved, dried and otherwise added to the family welfare and found great joy and bliss in the effort.

Mary said it.


CHAPTER XIII Growing Older

For some people the number 13 is fearsome, but as for me it holds many fine relationships. I came to my parental home on the 13th of August 1893. Our great country began as 13 colonies. I married a man, one of the 13 children of Norman and Agnes Brimhall. Some contend there are 13 tribes of Israel because of Joseph's sons, Ephraim and Manassah. Then Logan says he kissed me 13 times the night I told him I'd be his wife. The climax is our 13 children inclusive of two sets of boy twins.

Well, these are some of the added reasons for growing older. Nothing and no one has status quo…we all change and that is why life is so interesting. We expect more things to happen.

I think growing older, old, oldest is interesting. Its always nice to think, "Glad that pain is gone. The next may not hurt so much or my endurance may get stronger."

In growing older, I've found satisfaction in day dreaming…things I did and what I'm doing now, reading, crocheting, writing, painting, visiting, watching favorite TV shows, going places, helping family and simply waiting for my man to come so we can enjoy supper, conversation and plan our tomorrow.

Logan or some of the children can finish this chapter. It seems that after nearly 80 years of work and play, loving and being loved, there isn't much more to share, but share I have and have found it most rewarding and delightful.

One thing that amazes me is how our children can stay indoors 24 hours at a stretch with our noisy grandchildren.

There are 13 Chapters to my story!

[Mary passed away peacefully just three weeks short of her 80th birthday on July 24, 1973 at 2:00 a.m. in her home at 132 West Rawhide Avenue, Gilbert, Arizona and her remains were buried some three days later in the Taylor, Arizona Cemetery.]

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