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B-13 Business Meeting Notes
August 13, 2000

Presiding: Keith Brimhall

Opening Prayer: Gale Brimhall

Finances: Grant Brimhall

Ranch Improvements: Burdal Brimhall
  • Worked on the exterior fence.
  • We will need another work-day to repair the middle fence.
  • There a couple of dead trees that need to come down. There is on right behind the ampi-theater and the other is just north of the lodge next to the womens bathrooms.
  • We would like to improve the womens bathroom in the lodge so that more than one person can use it at a time.
  • The roof on the lodge was replaced this year.

Family History: Richard Brimhall
  • The B-13 website is up an running at
  • We bought the right to use the name and are currently renting server space on the internet.
  • We would like to purchase our own server sometime in the near future.
  • We are currently inputing Brimhall books, journals, and articles.
  • We would like all family members to please contribute to the website by sending photos, articles, etc.

B-13 Ranch Eterance: Gale Brimhall
  • The forest service will close access to the current entrance to the ranch sometime in the near future.
  • We will need to find an alternate entrance to the ranch. This will include evaluating ALL of the possible alternatives.
  • Grant Brimhall will persue a political solution and put together a proposal for a US senator.
  • One possible solution would be to purchase both properties from the Hatch brothers and then build the road there. Ricky and Gale will speak with the Hatch brothers.
  • Another alternative would be to build a road through Tezza's property.
  • As a family, we need to take it slow and not jump to any conclusions or judgements. This is a very delicate situation and we need everyone's help and support to resolve it.

Study the Dedicatory Prayer: Jonny Goodman
  • We should all study Grandpa Logan's dedicatory prayer for the B-13 Ranch.
  • We should teach this prayer to our families in Family Home Evening.
  • It will help strengthen our families and bring us all closer together.

  • The B-13 Video is available for purchase from Ricky Brimhall II.
  • Gale Brimhall's devotional talk will be available on the B-13 website in the near future.

Closing Prayer: Teresa Judd

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