The Survival Kit
of the Twentieth Century
In Family Organization
there is Success
During a quarterly conference of the Snowflake, Arizona Stake in 1911, the conference visitor, President Joseph F. Smith, his wife and two of their children were dinner guests in the home of Bishop Norman Andrew and Mary Agnes Willis Brimhall.
Among the subjects of discussion was family organization. President Smith promised to send to this family, a copy of the Articles of Organization that was being used by some of the families of the Church at that time.
The writer was impressed with the idea and some years later he and his wife created the Logan and Mary Hatch Brimhall Family Organization, under a constitution much like the one President Smith sent to his father's home in 1911. When their children began marrying, they went the next step and organized the Multiple or Grandparent Family Organization under the name of Brimhalls 13, Inc., which now, 1977, consists of forty-six family units.
The Parents and Children Family Organization has been called the greatest educational institution that parent or child will ever attend because their association is so close in the learning process. The second level, Grandparent Family Organization is one of more intense social activities involving some three or four generations. Here there is much to do about a great deal.
We, at this time, 1977, are attempting to help the young families of our Brimhalls 13 organization get their Parents and Children's Family Organizations in operation. This is in obedience to the Church Leadership's request as announced in chapters two and six of My Errand from the Lord, the Melchizedek Priesthood personal study guide for 1976-1977, "You are responsible to organize your family," and the January 1977 issue of the Ensign, page 7, wherein President Kimball said, "We also have asked that the families of the Church organize themselves to perform more efficiently their sacred missionary, welfare, home education... responsibilities and to set a pattern for things to come." We are also emphasizing creation of the Grandparent Family Organizations. Involved at this level are our married children who have married children of their own. To this end, this volume is dedicated.
Brimhalls 13
P.O. Box 795
Gilbert, Arizona 85234
(602) 892-4639
An ancient Bramhall Coat of Arms
Adopted by Brimhalls 13, as our flag emblem.
It is a gold lion on black felt in a gold field.
FAMILY Organization: Who, Why, When, How?
Part I: Survival Kit of the Twentieth Century -- Family Organization
2. Who Should Organize and When
4. How to Use the Parent and Children Family Organization
5. Stewardship of High Priests
Part II: Records of the Family -- Scriptures
Part III: One Family's Experience in Family 's Experience in
Family Organization
10. Family Budget
11. Family Organization is Happiness
12. Attitude
13. Our Heritage
PART I: Survival Kit of the Twentieth Century -
Family Organization
CHAPTER 1: Why Organize the Family?
Among the reasons why we should organize our Families are:
1. The Lord has asked us to do so.
2. Family is the foundation of the Church and society, the basis of all true government and should be effectively organized.
3. Organized government is more effective than aimless, haphazard procedures.
4. Organize the family to achieve objectives.
5. The family must organize to save the individual, the home and society.
6. To implement the Church correlation program.
John H. Howard, President of Rockford College, in 1976 said, "I speak of the wilderness of unprincipled behavior into which our nation has wandered. The moral wasteland stretches from coast to coast, with only a few oases of righteousness here and there. The noble promise of America, the dream of a nation under God, which brought Pilgrims to Massachusetts and which was confirmed in the Declaration of Independence, has been obscured and distorted and neglected. That dream of a nation under God, is today mocked and degraded by many of the most powerful forces of our society."
"We live in a society worse than Sodom and Gomorrah" so said President Joseph Fielding Smith.
"Save society in the home," pleads President David O. McKay.
The safety, security, privacy and sanctity of the individual, the home and society is threatened as never before. Evil designing forces have and do hourly invade the inner sanctity of the very foundation of society, the home, and are eating away at the very roots of happiness, the family. Morality, chastity, modesty, honesty and integrity have all but gone with the wind. The vile practice of abortion, housekeeping arrangements without the benefit of marriage, false ideologies, the porn industries, the onslaught of TV shows and the very fact that we can no longer depend on heretofore helpful institutions like the press, schools, churches and government to defend decency and long standing truths. All of this and more are strong indicators of our marching direction.
Recently, this question was asked of senior high school students, "If you knew the person you were about to marry had given up chastity would it make a difference?" Seventy-five percent said, "No, it would not make any difference."
Many women seem to have lost their reasoning powers, Tracers Company of America said, "Runaway wives now, 1976, outnumber runaway husbands by two to one, whereas in 1960 there were three hundred runaway husbands to one runaway wife."
It is popular for unwed girls 13, 14, and 15 years old to become pregnant so they can have something to call their very own. They are tired of being rag-doll mamas.
Among popular slogans of the day are these: Save marriage by showing sex films, Pornography is a safety valve for dangerous impulses and open sexuality is a sign of freedom. The constitution guarantees the right to whatever one wants to do. Even the little tots are plotted against by planning to seduce them by dress, slogans, false statements and pictures in the nude that are published when the children have grown older.
Through all this mess, there is seen a silver lining for all those who know how to find it by holding onto the eternal verities that God gave to Moses on the mountain, the Ten Commandments.
God has spoken in our day. We are admonished to save ourselves and our families through well organized, regulated and much used Family Organizations. Here the parents are the instructors and the Gospel of Jesus Christ is, in its many facets, the course of study and action. The first twelve years are the most important for parents to give children an immovable foundation from which to build forever.
The message of this chapter is: avoid catastrophe by organizing your family and using the organization well and wisely. Family organization is the Survival Kit of the 20th Century.
Family organization will be only as strong as is the Patriarch and his mate.
Every family in the Church is to organize in 1977.
CHAPTER 2: Who Should Organize, and When?
There are three levels of family organization. We shall present them herewith in order of importance to the needs of the growing-up children.
1. Parent and Children Family Organization
Involved in Family preparedness, teaching the Gospel, home evening, cultural and social activities, missionary effort, genealogy (new scope) as per the January 1977 Ensign, page 40, etc.
2. Grandparents Family Organization
Involvement at this level includes all of the activities of level 1 and additional interests such as family reunions. This group consists of grandparents, their children at home and married, and the grandchildren.
3. Ancestral Family Organization
This group is maintained partly for promoting genealogical and research work. If such an
organization exists, it should be maintained for whatever value can be ascribed to it. It seems
impossible that members of this group should expect all descendants to attend reunions of this
We have been instructed, "Every family in the Church should become organized in 1977."
Obviously, new family kingdoms will be established by marriage during 1977. They too shall organize for they will need the strength and direction that comes from family organization.
More information may be found in the sample Constitution and By-laws of the Family Organization on this and related points found in Chapter Three.
CHAPTER 3: How to Organize a Family
The wedding ceremony is the initial step in organizing the family. The couple is now in the eyes of the law and society, a family, and subject to existing laws governing the institution.
Many couples do nothing more about the new kingdom and soon find themselves] in need of help or in deep trouble that ends in divorcement. Most of this could be avoided by making a simple budget. Financial affairs is the one greatest cause of divorce. They should complete their family organization under the help of a written constitution.
It may be well to review briefly The Pilgrims Mayflower Compact, 1620 at Plymouth Rock, and also the Articles of Confederation that held the Thirteen Colonies together during the Revolutionary War, and then the Constitution of the United States. Read D & C Sec. 20; some people call it the Constitution of the Church.
By now you will have concluded that a written constitution outling family procedure, objectives, naming officers and stating their duties is necessary.
Your constitution will name your objectives and procedures so all members of the family may understand. Thus, your activities, obligations, privileges and authority are defined.
You are now ready to take the next step in your family organization.
On a Monday night plan a constitutional convention and use this form as a guide in writing your constitution.
Herewith is presented a form of family constitution. You may feel free to use what is applicable, to your needs. Once your constitution is adopted, your success as a family organization depends on how much you use it.
The John and Mary Doe Family
(Level 1)
We, the John and Mary Doe family, do adopt the following constitution and by-laws for the perfecting of our family member’s this__________________ day of___________________ 1977.
This organization shall be known as the John and Mary Doe Family Organization.
The objectives of this organization shall be: To strengthen the ties of familyship. To conduct the affairs of the family on a business-like basis. To hold meetings every Monday night under direction of the patriarch of the family, in which we shall keep accurate minutes of the proceedings and file a copy thereof with the records of the family. To implement the Correlation Program of the Church in our family organization.
Membership in this organization shall consist of parents and unmarried children of John and Mary Doe.
The husband shall be the patriarch of this family organization and his wife shall function as his assistant. The children shall be officers in the various departments, such as chairman of the Welfare effort, the Missionary department, Genealogy, and Spiritual education in the home.
The custodian of records and secretary shall be a male member of the family name to insure availability of the records at all times.
All offices shall be filled by appointment by the patriarch and approval of the members.
The patriarch shall name all necessary committees and the chairman of each, and the members shall approve.
This Constitution and By-laws may be amended by proposals of the patriarch and approval of a majority of the members.
To complete the project, the patriarch will report the organization to the Genealogical Society, 50 East North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah. (The Church wants to know too.)
[1999: Send to Family History Library, 35 North West Temple, Salt Lake City, UT 84150.]
1. The executive committee shall consist of the patriarch and all other officers of the organization. They shall hold meetings at the call of the patriarch.
2. It shall be the duty of the patriarch to preside at all meetings of the organization, sit in counsel with officers and members, give instruction, help establish goals and instruct all members and officers in their stewardships.
3. The patriarch may ask all officers to present a plan for the functioning of their office.
4. In case there are no children in a family, the spouses will assume more offices.
5. In case there is no husband, the wife will assume his duties.
CHAPTER 4: How to Use the Parent and Children Family Organization
In Part I, Chapter 3, you completed your constitution, named your officers and provided means of instructing them as to their duties. Since repetition is generally useful, we shall have some of it in this chapter.
It should be evident the husband is the HEAD of the family. There will be discussion of possible solutions to problems then someone has to make a decision, (head of the family). If the decision is found to be wrong, the very best comment anyone can make might be, "We shall try again."
This family organization will hold sessions each Monday evening. There will be a song and prayer and reading of the minutes of the last meeting. Unfinished business of previous sessions may be taken care of. Brief scripture reading, if desired.
The agenda for the meeting will be announced and the family will go into the effort with zeal, purpose, and humility. Heads of departments may be called on to report explain, assign, instruct or whatever. The entire group may work on an assigned project such as writing on their personal history. One or both of the parents may give instruction in spiritual living and gospel understanding etc. The important thing is to work your organization to get desired results.
Use your family organization in all that you do, whether it be socials, business, missionary training, farewells and welcome home, reunions, travels, etc.
The practice of several couples, without children in their home, pooling their interests each Monday night in a group meeting and calling it home evening is not a good procedure because none of the families represented get anything done that is related to their own family.
The family is the most important business in this life. Why not be about your business of family instead of saying, "There are only two of us, we have no family problems, no family business." What a blighting statement!
All members shall know there is no salvation, no happiness outside the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They shall know the truth and the truth shall keep them free and unfettered by ideologies and practices of the evil one.
Herewith are some stories that may serve as examples of one way to proceed in the various departments named in your constitution.
This lad, not yet ten years old, was named by the patriarch of the family to head the Family Missionary effort. After some consultation with the parents, at the next meeting he was called on to present his plan for some family missionary effort. He presented a container and said, "You all can read what's on that can. I think I spelled BANK right!, if not it's Mom's fault cause that's what she said, I think. It takes a lot of money for missionaries, and we must start a missionary savings account cause all of us guys have to fill missions for the Church. See that hole in the top of the container, well it's big enough for pennies, dimes, and quarters. A little green stuff will fit into it too. Pass up the Circle K and visit this bank." They did, and this little fellow and his Mom went to the bank opened a Missionary Savings Account for the family ... $106.85. He has since learned to make deposits by himself. This lad always has money for he pays tithing, missionary fund, buys less snacks, and never spends all of his money.
This short story illustrates how Gospel Teaching in the home can be done. It was home evening hour for Daddy and Mommy, and two little girls ages, one year and three years old. The father gave a lesson on how to learn the gospel and believe it, and then he called on the three year old by saying, "Will you please stand and tell us what we believe?" She stood and said, "I will tell you what our Church believes, and we believe it too. We believe in God the Eternal Father and in His son Jesus Christ and in the Holy Ghost." The father said, "What else do we believe?" Her prompt answer was, "We believe that Adam will be punished for his own sins and not for Eve's transgressions." Then the father said, "What else do we believe?" The child responded, "We believe all mankind may be saved by obedience to the principles and ordinances of the Gospel of Jesus Christ." The children in this home will ask hundreds of questions, till their knowledge is complete, and they shall never depart therefrom.
In the welfare department, another little girl was assigned with her mother, in their newly organized family to help the family budget by promoting a family garden. Some way she found out whenever mother went grocery shopping, and went along with her. Before paying the bill the mother always had to answer the child's question, "Mother how many packages of garden seeds did you get this time?"
Children of another organized family were discussing a recent family home evening when one of them said, "I like home evenings lots better now for we get more done and what we do counts allot. "Another chipped in to say, "Yeah, me too, see what we did last night on our records. You know something, if we keep this up for six months all of us will learn how to do research. When all of the kids in the church get going, we will have to have more temples where we can get married and do ordinance work for dead folks as well as for we who are living. Maybe that will make unborn children more anxious to get born into this kind of home. Golly, that's a good idea, for less than ten percent of the kids I know got married in the temple last year."
Can you get out of this kind of thinking and doing the idea that we are approaching the time when, through the ORGANIZED FAMILY, wherein the children are involved, genealogy will take on the NEW LOOK as depicted by Wayne Brickey in the January Ensign 1977 be on page 40? Why not read it to the family?
Too many genealogists are still bogged down in the old SCOPE. Isn't it time to study the NEW SCOPE and get in line? Are our leaders out of step? The fastest way to that branch of genealogy known as research is through FAMILY ORGANIZATION. When we give the full Gospel to our children through the Organized Family Plan, we shall have a society comparable to Enoch's.
Dads, you will remember that your family and your Family Organization will get no further than its leadership. Understand and believe in your Family Organization and make it work and enjoy the new life that will permeate your being.
It has been said by the prophets, "Family Organization is the Lord's best way of accomplishing the stewardship of this Gospel Dispensation."
CHAPTER 5: Stewardship of High Priests
There are several High Priests, in the B-13 family and they understand that there is always a need for church assignments. High Priests as individuals, groups, and quorums have been given the stewardship of seeing that every family in the church gets organized in 1977; that every member of the church completes his /her four generation family group sheets; trains the officers in their family organizations in their respective assignments of the correlation program, they being: missionary, welfare, genealogy and living and teaching the gospel in the home.
High Priest group meeting might well be devoted to developing the necessary skills in their assigned areas which are coming to be called the business of the High Priests.
When members of the families come to the High Priests for help, should they not expect to find them fountains of living water rather than whitened sepulchres of dry bones:
There are several areas in which High Priests are supposed to be specialists, among them are: (1) Family Leadership; (2) Family Organizers; (3) Family and Personal Histories; (4) Genealogical Research; (5) Missionary Effort; (6) Family Preparedness; (7) Living and Teaching the Gospel in the Home.
PART II: Records of the Family --- Scripture
CHAPTER 6: Records of the Family
Beginning with Adam, the Lord instructed his people to keep records of all that they did and out of this has come most interesting information handed down from generation to generation. From this source we have the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, that inform us of the dealings of the Lord with the people directly and through his prophets, and their relationship with each other.
Moses and Abraham gave us the Pearl of Great Price, and Lehi and his wife, Sariah and their descendants gave us the Book of Mormon. We accept these as scriptures and follow the living prophets of our day as spokesmen for the Lord. The Lord also gave the prophets what is known as the Doctrine and Covenants, our modern-day revelations.
We are taught to make records of all that we do and say of consequence and believe these may become scriptures in a sense to our posterity. In fact, some of the children of Logan and Mary have filed all of the letters, notes, speeches and etc. of their parents and often refer to them as family scriptures.
There should be kept minutes of every Monday family meeting and these should show date, time, place, who and what of the entire proceedings and be signed by the secretary.
B-13's collection contains missionary journals, patriarchal blessings, books of remembrance, journals of Noah Brimhall, of his son Norman Brimhall and his son Logan Brimhall, their children, and in-laws.
Spiritual experiences of members of the family, business adventures, safaris, reunions, socials, blessings, sacred experiences, testimonies, letters of instruction, high hopes and failures are recorded.
We are now studying how to bind and preserve these precious documents. There are many lovely letters of encouragement, letters of calls by the brethren, releases and expressions of appreciation.
We have appointed Vaughn Lorenzo, the second son of the Mary and Logan Family as custodian and his sons and their sons as keepers of the records. Under his direction is the secretary, genealogist and historian.
We shall soon study the means of preserving the records in vaults or whatever is needed.
Among the records collected by Brimhalls 13, Inc. are:
Noah Brimhall
Three Journals of Family History
Several copies of Patriarchal Blessings given by him
Norman Andrew Brimhall
Family Histories kept by his wives and himself
Across the Years with Norman Andrew Brimhall
Across the Years with Mary Agnes Willis Brimhall
Noah Brimhall Family Organization Minute Book
Norman's Missionary Journals
Logan Brimhall
Book of Remembrance each- -Logan and Mary
Mary's Family Record
Logan and Mary Family, Book of Remembrance
Life Story of each- -Logan and Mary
Brimhall Family Story (1970... back to 1300 A.D.)
Missionary Diaries
Lone Pine Dam Story
History of local Genealogical Library and Bureau of Information--(Logan was director for 20 years 1952-1972.)
Flight 81 (East Coast U.S.A.)
Flight 83 (England)
Copy of the book Family Organization 1977 ... Why, Who, When, How?
PART III : One Family's Experience in
Family Organization
Logan Brimhall Mary Hatch
November 1, 1916
To show how much I love you, to show how much I care;
I'll take you to the temple, eternal vows to share.
We'll kneel across the altar, your hand enclosed in mine
and covenant with the Father to keep His laws divine;
By one who has the power to seal our lives as one.
We'll be together always though life on earth is done.
This gift we give our children, those spirits yet to come.
As one eternal family we'll live with God's own son.
Our friends will be so happy, our families will be there.
It's one of life's great moments for all who really care.
We're only just beginning our life together here.
My life is filled with beauty whenever you are near.
Thank the Lord I’ve found you, I thank Him for our love;
For answered prayers and blessings He's sent from above.
You'll see how much I love you when we've been to the temple
And found God waiting there; and found God waiting there.
Used by permission of Barbara Christensen (words) & Larry R. Beebee (music)
CHAPTER 7: A New Kingdom
November 1, 1916 at ten in the morning, in the Salt Lake Temple, the officiator said to the groom, "You may now kiss your wife for the very first time." He did. She consented. They liked it. For fifty-seven years it was a daily ritual with they twain. The grim reaper took her into Paradise just twenty-one days short of eighty years of mortality.
In her kingdom, Queen Mary, kept her dignity, modesty, virtue, valor, integrity, wife and motherhood inviolate and her husband took pride in trying to match her valorance.
The next day, after marriage, November 2, Logan enrolled in the Education Department of the Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. Their six months honeymoon, here at the "Y" among friends, relatives and educators was interrupted in the spring of 1917 by World War I, that began in Austria in the summer of 1914. The Commander-in-Chief of the United States announced that all men must join the forces in the field, or on the farm. They chose the 700 acre hay and grain farm of Clayborn Brimhall near Vernal, Utah.
In the fall of 1917, after the crops were all garnered, Logan took a teaching position in the Vernal Central School. He was assigned to the sixth grade that had disposed of three teachers the previous year. Teacher and pupils hit it off in fair style, because the children wanted to learn about much, and he wanted them to be filled.
Come January 25, 1918, Mary decided to change an eleven pound baby boy from his nine months cradle to her arms and to keep him. My, Oh My! What a lovely twosome is a mother and her baby.
The intervening years 1918-24, this family managed to survive employment deep down in the coal mines of Carbon County, Utah, long hours at the Tipple (coal loading chute), in the Blacksmith Shop, teaching school in Storrs, Utah, and Taylor, Arizona, a hot summer on a cotton farm in Mesa, Arizona, occasional months at the "Y" and lots of long hours at Correspondence school credit work, with two Arizona and three Utah institutions of higher learning.
Then came Graduation Day at the "Y" in the spring of 1924. The family moved to Arizona in June of that year, and began twenty-five fruitful teaching years in the Snowflake Union High School.
Mary's husband was named Bishop of the Taylor Ward two different times and this paid the family big dividends.
In the spring of 1925 this family developed its first family organization, patterned much after the order of the constitution sent by President Joseph F. Smith to the Brimhall family in Taylor, in 1911.
They were added upon eleven times to bring them to the odd number of 15. You see, there were two parents and thirteen children. On two occasions boys doubled and gave them two sets of twins ... !!! most interesting times and people.
After retirement, Logan and Mary guided the effort at the Arizona Temple Bureau of Information and the Genealogy Library for twenty years during which time the Visitors Center and the Branch Library were created.
Logan and Mary Hatch Brimhall Family -- 1950
Front: Carolyn (Mrs.Gail Goodman) , Norma (Mrs.Jack Tidwell) , Logan , Hulda Lou (Deceased at 18 yrs.) , Mary B. Jean (Mrs. F.D. Stapley) , Tezza (Mrs. Duane Judd) , Grant R., Gale J. (twins) Back: L. Burdal , Vaughn L., Kirk L ., N. Merrill , Verl W. , Vern H. (twins)
CHAPTER 8: Brimhalls 13, Inc.
Our One Family Organization formed in 1925 named in its constitution, The Logan and Mary Hatch Brimhall Family Organization, is still with us. Mary passed away in 1973 but Logan still carries on the Family Home Evening Program. He does a lot of thinking and planning for all of the families and how best he can help in the overall picture. Then he usually visits some of the several families in their home evenings.
When the children began multiplying, (they think that is one of the greatest commandments), we soon saw the need for creating the Multiple Family Organization.
The family contemplated some joint business ventures, so they complied with the Arizona laws for the formation of Brimhalls 13, Incorporated. (Incorporation is not necessary in the usual family organization.)
To the laws of Arizona, governing corporations, we added our own by-laws, as provided for in the Articles of Incorporation. This permits us to use a patriarchal form of governing comparable to the Ward or Stake. Organizers may well review the Mayflower Compact, the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution of the United States, and what is called by some, the Constitution of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the twentieth section of the Doctrine and Covenants.
Being family reunion minded, we held forth at grandparents home till it became too burdensome, and then we shifted to the White Mountains of Arizona, Oak Creek Canyon, White Horse Lake, etc. Facilities were crowded and inconvenient so the family decided to find a place they could call their very own.
We bought the old Ardene Owens Homestead in South East Pinedale, Arizona. The deed conveying this land from the Federal Government to Owens was signed by Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States and hangs on the wall of one of the cabins.
There was much to do to make the place habitable. All members of the family helped in the effort from crying to praying. The children hauled native material from wheresoever, mixed concrete, hammered, sawed and laughed until we had a family center with a fireplace that eats up six foot long logs, restrooms, showers, dutch oven, gas and electric cooking facilities.
One of the delightful evenings is a campfire cook-out under the stars, dutch oven biscuits, steaks, Log-Cabin syrup and a glass of milk. Then here comes the moon as all join in singing "When the Moon Comes Over the Mountain." The rest of the evening is devoted to song and story, some old, some new. Finally some one starts up, "Goodnight Ladies, Goodnight Gents, We are Going to Leave You Now." Many memorable stories will be found in the story section of the book.
The John Santa Fe Railroad had a WRECK and our railroad engineer, Vaughn Brimhall, bought for us a 20,000 gallon steel water tank for $300.00. It sits on a hill and gives us pressure water all over the place.
So with good water, fresh vegetables from our own gardens, shade under the pines or warmth from the fireplace, a place to rest our bones, meals prepared by an appointee, children all about, visiting mamas and story telling dads enjoy each others tall-tales while cousins wallow a football game in the rain and mud--all is well, all is well.
This entry is found in the family history: "During early 1960 there were several interesting meetings between the Brimhalls and Cheneys about the old ranch. Frank Cheney wanted to sell the property to us for $300.00 per acre, but his wife would take no less than $400.00 per acre."
"Brimhalls entered onto the property July 15, 1960 and immediately planned a work reunion for the National Labor Day."
"What did we buy ?" This old ranch has been the pride and joy of at least 25 different owners, some of whom reared their entire family here. Some 500 years previous it was home to generations of Aboriginal Americans. This green valley nestles among the hills, and is surrounded by tall pines on the Sitgreaves National Forest. There are two small springs on the place that furnish more water than is needed by the number of animals it will support. The old hand dug well, some 20 feet deep, is full of water that gives life to our radish patch, but is not healthy for drinking water at this time. It has been here since 1870 for white folk and centuries of Indians.
Early in the evening, campfire time, the children dressed in Indian paint, feathers and finery, stomp out the official War, Harvest, War Path, and Coming of Age Dances of the Apaches. Sometimes it appears they have added what might be dances of all the other known Indian Tribal dances and throw in a few of their own stomps and turns and twists.
Later in the evening when everyone is exhausted comes the hooting of the owls from east, west, north, south, and from in between. Then at break of day the yakking coyote announces the end of his nighttime prowl. If you get up early you may see a mother turkey hen taking her chicks to water and off to the days hunt for food, or you may see a deer or elk hop over the fence out of your green wheat field. There is an occasional bear, badger, porcupine or weasel, but always the squirrel, chipmunk, lizards and horny toads, come out with the sun and the warmth of the day. The children have found 27 kinds of wildlife on the place and 32 varieties of plants.
The children like what they call Christmas in August. Anyone who has a birthday or does some kindly deed is honored by having Christmas tree lights turned on at night. The tree is a 40-foot tall pine decked with varying colored lights the year around. The tree is most beautiful under cover of a foot or two of snow at Christmas time.
CHAPTER 9: Family Reunions
One of the highlights of an organized family is the Family Reunion. Whether the reunion is held annually, bi-annually, or on three or five year intervals, it requires a great deal of planning, work and cooperation to have a successful family reunion.
Some of the most often asked questions are:
l. At what family level should family reunions be held ?
2. Who plans and organizes family reunions?
3. How are family reunions financed?
4. What activities should take place at family reunions?
This chapter will deal with these questions and share some of the successful ideas we have tried.
Family reunions may and should be held at all levels of organization:
1. Parent Family Organization - (level 1)
2. Grandparent Organization - (level 2)
3. Ancestral Organization - (level 3)
Newly married couples should provide for family reunions within the constitution of their family organization. As children come into the family, the principle is taught to them from infancy. If their experiences are meaningful, this great concept is passed on from generation to generation and will result in fostering many programs of the church, especially genealogy, missionary preparation and support, welfare and family unity.
On years when more than one level of family organizations are having reunions, it is suggested that these levels be combined. Parent level reunions may be planned in conjunction with Grandparent or Ancestral reunions. A little planning and coordination is required, but it can be done. For example if a Grandparent ( level 2) reunion is scheduled for this year, why not schedule several parent (level 1) reunions at the same time and place?
Within the Grandparent Organization there may be several Parent Organizations. Those in charge of the level 2 reunion can also schedule time for level 1 reunions within the scope of the level 2 activities. This method provides time for individual families to be alone as well as time to function in the activities of the Grandparent Organization.
Following is an account written by a level-1 family in which they function at a tri-level family reunion. Three family levels were having reunions over a period of three to four days.
"I'd rather be at the ranch than any other place in the world."
That's the comment from our 12 year old daughter, Evonne. The ranch is very special to our family. Especially to our four daughters. We have lived in overpopulated California for 11 years, so the ranch is really a retreat for us.
One day, three or four years ago, our girls and some of their cousins were exploring our property. They went upon the hill and started digging around. All of sudden they hit something hard which they thought was a rock. They kept digging and lo and behold they uncovered an old Indian grinding stone. This was the beginning of many fun and interesting hours for all of us. They decided to make this their own special "Indian Mountain." They spent hours cleaning the top of the hill. Then they built a teepee with the help of Grandpa Vaughn (level 2) and the Daddies. Uncle Ricky had found some dry clay near Sanders, Arizona, so he let the Indian gang have it. They ground it down to a fine powder in the grinding stone and then added water to it. They then each made an Indian bowl. That night we were all invited (level 2) upon Indian Mountain for a pow-wow. A bonfire was built and their clay pots were burned in the fire. Grandpa Logan (from level 3) was the special guest and was asked to tell his great-grand children Indian stories. After Grandpa's many famous Indian stories, we all whooped and hollered around the fire just like the Indians may have done at this very place many years ago. We ended this special evening by singing songs together. Each year since then we have met as the V. L. Brimhall Family (level 2) upon Indian Mountain for a special evening. Each year is just as special as the first and is something the V.L. Brimhall cousins will always remember.
/s/ Marsha B. Phelps
Who is responsible for planning and organizing family reunions? The PATRIARCH or his designee. He should delegate the assignments and check to see that they are carried out. Committee chairmen should report to him on a predetermined basis as to progress.
Reunions on the Ancestral level may not have a living patriarch to preside. In this case the patriarchal order should be followed. It should be emphasized however, that level 1 and level 2 Family Organizations should receive the greatest emphasis and should meet on at least an annual
basis (vacation time--excellent).
The planning committee should address themselves to such details as: Time, Place, Activities (games, programs, seminars, visiting, eating, etc.), Agenda (approved by members of the reunion committee and mailed to all family heads at least one month in advance.)
How are family reunions financed so that the total burden does not rest on a few?
The success of any family reunion is inseparably connected to individual family willingness to sacrifice funds, time, talents, food, sleep and any number of personal conveniences.
Persons planning family reunions should be aware of these sacrifices and plan meals, programs, etc., without creating undue stress on any family.
Finances often determine whether a family will attend a reunion or not. Extravagance and poor planning must be avoided so that all who desire may participate. Simple, wholesome foods, served in quantities proportionate to need is the best method of keeping people well fed and still within the financial capability of all families.
As numbers increase, it becomes more difficult to take all meals in common. Plan for some meals in common and some meals assigned on a level 1 basis. At the end of the reunion, the chairman may present a statement to the heads of each family to cover the per capita cost of the meals and other expenses shared in common.
Family reunions may and should contain many activities. Do things that interest all and promote family unity. Among the events of a successful reunion, there should be at least four essential subjects taught. These are suggested through the church correlation program. They are genealogy, missionary program, welfare, and family living.
We feel the most effective way to teach these concepts is to give examples of actual programs in each of the areas that have been presented in some of our reunions. We feel they may also serve the reader in suggesting ideas that may be adapted to your own situation.
Families and Learning
Perhaps the grandest challenge God gave to families is to get them to learn. There is so much to learn, and it isn't that simple. False and misleading are almost all the voices in this world. Truth has so many challengers--well organized and alarmingly effective.
Dad and Mom Brimhall always encourages us to learn, to experience, to do. The dinner table was a great place for questions. Even our reunions were occasionally turned into learning experiences of Gospel related-subjects. In 1968, Brother William Nelson, who was then the director of the of Institute of Religion at the University of Idaho, was invited to teach a series of lectures at our August reunion.
The entire reunion was centered on learning our duties in regards to role of the family, the Patriarchal Priesthood and an overview of the great Latter-day events preceding the Second Coming of the Savior.
This was our first reunion to center on the teaching of the gospel in a formal manner. There have been many occasions where "teaching moments," spontaneously invited discussions on many topics. Varied and meaningful as these can be, they need to be augmented by the more organized and formal discussions. The Savior said, "Organize yourselves, and prepare yourselves...teach one another the doctrine of the Kingdom..." D&C 89-74,77. Where else in all the world can this be done more effectively than in the family.
This first reunion, planned entirely around Gospel seminars, was enjoyed by young and old. There were corresponding activities for all ages. By rotating the various groups we were able to involve everyone. After a very busy Thursday, Friday and Saturday, we all gathered in the family center and enjoyed a dramatic concert by "The D's." They had spent the week-end with us conducting seminars during the day and then staged an exceptional show for us recounting some great events from Church History. Their humor, music and talented portrayal of the these great events strengthened our faith and added a very fun, exciting capstone to our Gospel seminars.
Over the years we have tried to organize similar learning experiences in our reunions and meetings. We find every adult has a talent which can be utilized for the advantage of others. The challenge is to properly organize the right setting.
We experienced some wonderful lessons in genealogy, missionary work, welfare, family home evenings, arts and crafts, history, gymnastics, music and even a course in guitar making! I guess a thousand and more lessons have been taught in practical application of gardening, farming, construction, animal husbandry, sanitation and water systems, exploring, geology, rock hounding,
searching for historical artifacts, and many, many others---even star gazing! Something magical and spiritually regenerating occurs when children, pops and moms team up with their loved ones. Work, rest, visit, eat, sing, and learn. These simple joys, like the beauty of a child's little hand, sink into the soul usually mostly unnoticed, but none-the-less deeply settled.
In recent years a great need has been felt for the B-13 Family Organization to correlate its genealogical efforts. The question of how to do this and where to start kept us motionless. In 1976 the family genealogist, Jean Stapley, along with her two assistants, LaPriel Brimhall and Beth DeWitt, set goals for the coming year.
These goals were: (1) To collect all available copies of the family group sheets on our direct lines, thus enabling us to know where to start. (2) To prepare a 9-generation pedigree chart and have enough reproductions made so that each individual family of the organization could have a copy thereby enabling them to assign separate lines to reduce duplications. (3) To make arrangements with the reunion committee to allow time in the reunion schedule for a genealogy seminar.
With ages ranging from 2 to 82, it would be difficult to meet everyone's needs in one big meeting. So this schedule was followed:
All of the first three groups saw a beautiful Lamanite film that brought out the importance of family ties. The following activities were planned:
2 1/2 to 5 years old
Each child was given a family tree on which they pasted pictures (cut out of old catalogues) onto it, to represent themselves, their parents, and grandparents.
6 to 9 years old
This group also created a family tree and with the remaining time they were helped to fill out a family group sheet for their personal family.
10 to 12 years old
The importance of an eternal family was emphasized and how these eternal ordinances can be performed vicariously for the dead. Then each child filled out a personal family group sheet and a pedigree chart.
13 to 82 years old
The goal of every member of the church should be to reach the Celestial Kingdom. To achieve this goal takes more than mere desire. It requires preparation and work. To stress this point the following illustration was used in our 1976 genealogy seminar:
The 9 generation pedigree chart was posted for each of the organized families to choose a line to search out. These lines were chosen from the 5th generation because every member of the church has been requested to submit a copy of their four generations to Salt Lake.
Midwinter Family Reunion Program
Theme.................Our Family Can Be Forever
Time...................................January 1, 1977
Place...............Gilbert Church (Cultural Hall)
School of the Patriarch-Matriarch---the idea being to train the parents in problems facing the family today. (The time is long...too long for the children to be present in all of the proceedings, so please make arrangements for baby-sitting in your home or in the home where you'll be staying if coming out of town.) The parents will make use of information in conducting home night assemblies where the children will be trained in DOING ... NOW!
(Study the outlines used by Grandpa Logan at BYU Genealogy Seminars)
9:00 - 9:45 am.............................Business Meeting for Married Couples of the Organization
B-13 Officers Conducting
9:45 - 10:30 at.............................Family Organization
Floyd Stapley
10:30 - 11-:30 am........................Welfare
Jack Tidwell and Bishop Gail Goodman
11:30 - 12:30 pm.........................Missionary
L. Burdal Brimhall
Lunch Prepared and Served by APA
Gil and Roseann Tidwell
1:30 - 2:45 pm.............................Genealogy
Jean B. Stapley
4:00 - 5:30 pm.......................Supper for all members of B-13 APA
Gil and Roseann Tidwell
6:00 - 8:00 pm..............................SPECIAL PROGRAM for ALL MEMBERS of B-13
EMCEE ..............Richard Brimhall
The following skits will be done in pantomime or whatever you choose. Eight minutes to get
on stage, do it, and get off !!
2. Family Organization - Goodman Family
3. Feed My Sheep - Burdal Family
4. Be Prepared - Tidwell Family
5. Now is the Time - Stapley Family
6. My Brothers Keeper - Verl B. Family
7. I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go - Vern B. Family
8. Be Ye Clean - Grant B. Family
9. Who am I - - Vaughn B. Family
10. A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned - Langford Family
11. Let Your Light So Shine - Merrill B. Family
12. Why Me - Judd Family
13. Do Unto Others - Kirk B. Family
14. Give a Hoot - Gale J. B. Family
Study the chart to see where and how you fit into the program...
DO IT!!!
Goodmans will place plaques 1,A,B,C,D, and E on the wall and provide means of hanging others in proper place. The leader of each skit will put its plaque it the proper place as they come on stage.
The Fast and Testimony meeting is most moving. It's heart warming to hear one's posterity express their beliefs, hopes and hear their testimonies. One realizes one's life has not been in vain.
There have been satisfactory results from fasting and praying... 200 of us praying for ailing members, results in the form of strengthening testimonies of all present and a lasting influence on prospective missionaries and prospective brides and grooms.
By special permission of two Bishops, one at the home ward and the other in the ranch area, several Gospel Ordinances have been performed at the ranch and other reunion areas.
This day a five year-old grandson and his Dad went by a 600 gallon capacity, painted red, water tank on the ranch and the father said, "Your brother was baptized 11 years ago in the water tank in water 40 degrees cold." The little boy replied, "How come the older kids get to have all the fun?"
"It was Sunday, September 4, 1966, at our family ranch in the White Mountains.
"The night before had been a cool one, so the water in the tank was cold on my body as I into it in my Baptismal suit.
"This was a special experience to me because I not only became a member of the Church, but I was one of the few people that had been baptized in the water tank. That day will always be in my mind.
/s/ Bret Judd
Many things at a family reunion lend themselves to the missionary effort. From the members we have given a dozen stake missionaries, fifteen full-time, some of whom would not have had the privilege save through encouragement from B-13. When a missionary leaves, he takes with him a bit of financial help and all who can get to the airport to see him off and welcome him home again. He makes a report in a joint family home evening.
One reason why they are good missionaries are the prayers of nearly 200 Uncles, Aunts, and Cousins.
Dear Grandpa,
I'd like to tell you of some of my feelings. My first real work time at the ranch was with Uncle Grant, brother Steve, cousin Dave and cousin Russell Bryant. One night I awoke from sleeping because I was cold and turned over to turn up the dial on my electric blanket, turned back over and tried to go back to sleep but it didn't seem to be working so I turned it up again and again only to continue freezing. Finally I gave up and just jawed Sears Roebuck and Co. the rest of the night for producing such apiece of junk.
Well as fate would have it, I found out that Steve's electric blanket was broken too, except his kept getting hotter when he turned it down.
As is the problem with many of us. Our wires get crossed and instead of resolving the problem, we just keep being cold to one another which causes us to get hot under the collar and we can't sleep then either.
Some obvious lessons I learned at the ranch came the year before my mission when I had my maroon sports car up at the reunion. The black canvas top was down and there were several homemade pies in the old cabin just asking to be stolen. So thinking how clever I was, I very slyly carried 3 or 4 of them out and hid them under the canvas top on my car. Then I proceeded to mingle with the family. But, problems arose, as I later returned to my car to find some of my cute little cousins playing around in my car and not knowing about the pies had been crawling all over the canvas top. There was lemon meringue and coconut cream smeared all over the back of my car.
I remember to this day how frustrating it was because I was so mad at those little brats for making such a mess all over my car but couldn't complain about someone's kids stepping all over pies I had stolen in the first place. In conclusion, I guess you could say stealing pies does not always "pan out" the way you intended so maybe honesty is the best policy. I'm not sure exactly if these two accounts were at the same reunion but for the personal life of Roy Lynn Brimhall they were two of the more powerful experiences he had.
I remember one Sunday at the reunion as I sat down by the old cabin. The family had gathered around for dinner and Grandpa announced that Uncle Jack Tidwell had a special request. Then I remembered three days fasting for him and the operation he was going to have and because of the great faith of the Brimhalls he asked that they give him a blessing before he traveled back down to Mesa to enter the hospital. I remember seeing my father in that circle along with the others of the family who I'd always thought were perfect including I believe, my brother Steve. And I wanted to be an Elder so I could be part of the Brimhall Priesthood men, so I could be special as I thought they were. Later I heard that the operation was a success and Uncle Jack recovered quickly which impressed me even more because I wished I had that kind of faith. This planted a seed of desire for me to seek that kind of power.
I would like to now express my love and appreciation to Grandpa Brimhall, my Father and Mother and the others in the family as they united in prayer for me while I was still trying to put my head together enough to go on a mission. This happened after the blessing for Uncle Jack.
That great Patriarch Logan Brimhall said something to this effect that, "I would like to put a vote to the family. Will all raise their hand who will give a special prayer this night for Roy Lynn that he might be our next missionary." The voting was unanimous except for one. Me! The only reason I didn't raise my hand was because I wanted to be "cool" and I liked the attention. Then Grandpa called on me to offer the prayer, only he didn't just ask me to give the prayer; he said, "Now we'd like to ask Elder Roy Lynn Brimhall, our next missionary, to offer the prayer. "Needless to say, I felt pretty special at that time and wanted not only to pray, as I knew Brimhalls ought, but also to be a missionary and a Priesthood bearer as was expected of me because of my heritage.
To conclude with the most important part to me was that night as I continued on with my activities. I'm sure that those that had raised their hands promising to pray for my welfare were in conference with our Father in Heaven because I felt a peace in my heart that I have few times in my life felt. It was as if the Lord was confirming Grandpa's instructions to me to be the next Brimhall Missionary. That still has a great impact on me to this day because I don't consider myself a visionary man and have to gain strength from the time the Lord spoke peace to my soul. There on the ranch as though it were like Alma praying for his sons and his prayer was answered because of his faith. So were my family’s prayers answered in my behalf even though perhaps I didn't deserve it. I think of this experience and others at the ranch, as I read my Patriarchal Blessing. May I share with you that which has been proven many times over. "You are blessed with a choice heritage. Honor the name you bear."
May I conclude thanking each and every one of you for it and saying, "I am really proud to be a Brimhall."
/s/Roy Lynn Brimhall
The By-laws of B-13 provide for the purchase and management of real property. Real property involves upkeep, taxes, and construction projects. After proper consultation the Patriarch designates workdays at the ranch. As many as 25 have responded to the call at one time. They gather in for a song and a story fest sometime before midnight Friday preceding the designated Saturday workday. This is usually a highlight of male endeavor.
Thus, we built a Family Center, fenced the land, drilled a 450 foot well, placed a pump thereon that lifts five hundred G.P.M. into the 20,000 gallon domestic water supply, and runs it through a
sprinkling system to the various fields.
On several workdays we ran a pipeline to each of the 13 family designated plots. Each plot is set up on a 99-year lease plan within the family organization by-laws. One of the work days comes before reunion time and is designated "Comeup! Lookup! Cleanup!" workday.
Equipment is also a necessary item. On the ranch we have a tractor, disc, harrow, and plow all of which came as a gift from a California farmer who wanted to change occupations. Double chairs for the family lodge came from a ward that changed seating arrangements @ $1.00 each. Shovels, spades, axes, chain saws, crowbars, picks, and even hoes had a way of coming in at the right time. (Legally!)
Part of the family reunion is always devoted to a business meeting. Only male members old enough or holding the priesthood attend this meeting. This is where the business of the family organization (level 2) is conducted. (Brimhall method)
If an organization has little or no business it should create considerable business or go out of business entirely. Family organization business is as varied as the organizations.
It is the privilege and the duty of each unit comprising the Grandparent level organization to attend and contribute to the reunion. Good and wise planning on the part of families and the reunion officers can make it possible for all to attend. There are a few tolerant excuses for a family to absent itself from a reunion (level 1 and 2). This is family business ... the most important of all business. Get the idea? Your family business comes first.
The business of the second level of family organization (Grandparent) may well be considered by the Board of Directors or Executive Committee that may consist of heads of families concerned. Anyone who wants to be heard in the business meeting may do so through the head of their respective family unit.
The officers shall cause accurate minutes to be made in a permanent ledger with dates, place, and scribe designated.
A spicy program came on an occasion known as Skit Night. Many of the well-known stories are listed separately on slips of paper and each family draws one from the hat. An hour is given for creation of plot, naming characters, finding properties, practicing, setting the stage and in general make ready "The Greatest Show on Earth." This is perhaps the most hilarious event of the ages. Dads, moms, children and grand parents do stunts that no one ever suspected them capable of. Lots of hidden talent comes to light.
The dancing social is popular. Everyone old enough to stand alone or not too old to get up alone gets into the act. Square dance music seems to tingle the feet into action. The Minuet has always been a graceful dance. To see the entire group somewhat dressed for the occasion and on their best behavior doing the graceful courtesies is most encouraging in this day of most boisterous conduct. It is a good teacher of fine art. Most young people concede it is far superior to the Bear Hug. After the ball there is ranch-made, real beef JERKY and parched corn. On occasion there is delicious homemade root beer for beverage.
What is a reunion without games? They are great not only for involvement and variety but bring about togetherness and fun.
Ages and interests of those attending should be kept in mind when planning for games.
Among the many to choose from are horse shoe tournaments, volleyball, relays, squaw wrestle contests, football, tug-of-war, softball, skeet shooting, archery, jump rope, jacks and marble contests. There is no end to this kind of activity.
Family reunions have been a highlight in our lives and often looked forward to with anticipation. There have been times we weren't too happy with the assignments and the results but other times it was delightful with memories to hang onto for a lifetime. Among some of these memories were those of the bi-annual touch football games. These games were often played wherever there was a field large enough to accommodate a "herd" and then not too full of stickers and gopher holes. Probably our favorite "stadium" was the grain and alfalfa field that is now Pioneer Park in Mesa, Arizona. The goal posts were always somewhere in "that" direction and out-of-bounds, usually where the two captains, under intense pressure from their teams, wanted to place them. It wasn't unusual for the field to be wider than longer -- serving two purposes; one, it gave plenty of room for those famous "backfield in motion" hand-offs with a forward pass play, and then secondly; it gave loving wives plenty of room to catch those of the then 35 to 50 small children that were always trying to break away from the sidelines and get in the action with daddy.
There was only one objective as in most high class football - -that is -- get the ball over the goal line. Rules? Since we were all so honest (hum ... ) there wasn't a need for such, except one and that was, stop when your "tag" was pulled. As a tag, every player would hang a piece of cast off garment from his right hind pocket and I do mean a piece, some were 3 feet long while others were more like 3 inches long. When you pulled your opponents "tail," you were supposed to drop it immediately, indicating the spot for the next down, but we were so often caught up in the spirit of the game, we failed to notice that a few scoundrels often tossed the "tail" back some 5 yards or more, but no need to argue because you'd likely make it up in your defensive plays come your turn after the fourth down.
Many were the "STARS" of the hilarious events. Each player could recall his most exciting play. This I'll leave to him, and summarize some of my reminiscence. For myself I often ran 20 miles in every game and touched the ball twice, once to hike it to some fledgling quarterback that usually played like he has six fingers instead of four and next, to get it away from some bawling youngster who was too small for the rough stuff. Uncle Vaughn always laughed until tears blurred his eyes to any sensible play then he would slap the ground and roll with laughter. Uncle Jack was fast, only problem his team lost more yardage from too long in the huddle as he frequently had to tell one of his famous stories and then, too, the umpire often joined his huddle which was sometimes a second "Whizzer White," especially when some girl friend was a spectator. If Aunt Avie hadn't married him (Uncle Grant) he would probably have gone on to be a Heisman Trophy winner. Yeah, he was that good--right behind Howard Cosell. Uncle Kirk was good for two downs and 3 time-outs. He could over-haul a tractor quicker than he could make ten yards. Uncle Vern could always smell a fake play but was always spoofed out by Uncle Gail Goodman's brilliant maneuvers into the sidelines. Goodman had two good plays that always worked, holding and shaking hands. If you reached out to block, shove, pull a tag, or catch a pass, he would grab your hand and start shaking. If Uncle Gale J. ever got the ball he would run high stepping through the "clover" cackling all the way to the goal post as very few could catch him. Uncle Verl could bust any line, offense or defense put against him, trouble was, if Uncle Floyd was playing opposite he could snap a pass before anyone could come through and grab the seat of his pants. His pockets were built so high off the ground it was considered a basketball play to get to his swift swiveling hips. Uncle Dal and Duane were good for fake plays except their problems were as serious as mine, that is running in one place too long and carrying the appearance of too much root beer. Grandpa, as the umpire, could always blow a good whistle. Only thing, he never knew the difference between a pass and a punt, probably because his glass eye couldn't turn over fast enough and then his specialty was always basketball.
Many were the time-outs for spittle extractions, nose extrusions and just plain getting your wind. The scores never stayed below the 30's and the players often wished they were half of that, especially come evening and if not then, the next day. Two weeks after one of these games was "sore" to remember.
Now that we're all approaching or have passed the half century mark, touch football is something you watch the grand kids play as we nurse fond memories amongst grunts, and groans, heart slow-downs, blindness, obesity, allergies, slipped disks, groaning toenails and just plain... fear of getting hurt if we tried it again.
Football, our variety, was and is fun. Many a hearty laugh was enjoyed from its humorous antics. The yards gained could be measured in laughter and friendship. Worries of the day were left in the "locker room" and teamwork was enjoyed by all.
/s/ N. M. Brimhall